phone: (520) 622-6011 phone: (800) 445-5320
Monday - Friday 7:30am - 4:00pm MST
32.18062° N, 110.92365° W

Access Covers

Access Covers provide protective covers for sectional rod survey monument boxes. SURV-KAP Access Covers are created to comply with federal, state and county agency requirements for surveying monuments. The boxes are made of aluminum alloy and have removable or hinged lids. Unlike any cast iron survey monument box top, these monument covers are corrosion-resistant, making them the ideal monument cover to use in any environment, especially where the boxes are exposed to harsh elements and weather.

The AC-RT access cover has a lid which can be raised or removed to expose a rod survey monument box. The access cover is roll pinned on one side. The opposite side has a stainless steel flat head screw to hold the cover firmly in place on top of the monument boxes.

The AC-WP access covers have permanently hinged lids with O-rings in the housing to make them waterproof. One side of each monument box cover has a stainless steel flat head screw to hold it firmly closed.

Custom inscriptions are available on cover and housing.  Please call our Customer Service Team at 520-622-6011 for pricing and lead times.