phone: (520) 622-6011 phone: (800) 445-5320
Monday - Friday 7:30am - 4:00pm MST
32.18062° N, 110.92365° W

Survey Caps for Rebar and Pipe

SURV-KAP supplies a full range of survey markers and survey caps for applications using rebar boundary stakes. Aluminum, brass and plastic surveying markers for rebar are versatile and lightweight caps, easy to store and transport to the job site, and the metal or plastic can be customized with text, numbers and logos. We offer a variety of survey markers, rebar caps, survey posts, pins, pegs, stakes and monuments. Plastic markers for rebar are also available with no stamping. Plastic survey caps with black stamped lettering and with un-inked recessed stamped lettering are also available. 
Combined, these pins for permanent ground marking will reduce your overall cost.

Our aluminum and brass land markers feature a proprietary tapered internal hole which accepts most irregular-shaped rebar ends and can be purchased with or without plastic inserts. Magnets are an available option on many rebar marker stakes. Survey caps for rebar can be prestamped with information that identifies you, such as project name, consecutive numbering or any other label.

A SURV-KAP aluminum or brass marker can also be hand-stamped in the field or in your office. There is no charge for pre-stamping plastic caps for rebar if you order 25 or more with identical stamping.