Quantum Stakes and Tools
Quantum markers are constructed from a fiberglass reinforced composite which is ultaviolet resistant and temperature stable. - Unlike thermoplastic markers, they will not soften when exposed to heat or embrittle in cold temperatures.
Solid color impregnated throughout the marker. Never needs painting. Will not fade and crack like thermoplastic or rust or rot like metal or wood.
Strong lightweight fiberglass reinforced composite material is 75% lighter than steel and 10 times stronger than typical thermoplastic. Lower transportation and storage cost at the jobsite.
Fire resistant characteristics of the material withstands small grass fires and controlled ditch burns. Will not soften and melt like plastic markers.
Available in a variety of colors and sizes to meet your requirements. Custom or generic warning message, reflective sheeting or letters & numbers are available. See our Decals page.
Installation is fast and easy using industry standard tools. A typical installation takes less than one minute.