phone: (520) 622-6011 phone: (800) 445-5320
Monday - Friday 7:30am - 4:00pm MST
32.18062° N, 110.92365° W

About Us

SURV-KAP has been honored for over 50 years to serve the community of fine surveyors throughout the United States and Canada. For all these years SURV-KAP has taken great pride in making its products here in the United States.

The SURV-KAP pledge has always been that you receive the finest products made in the shortest period of time with reliable and courteous service. The SURV-KAP Customer Service and Production teams are waiting to serve you. 

SURV-KAP invites you to browse our website to view the products we offer. Please call us at 1-800-445-5320 with additional questions or comments.

Thank you for making SURV-KAP the Landmark Name in Survey Products.

John Baffert and Helen Holliday