phone: (520) 622-6011 phone: (800) 445-5320
Monday - Friday 7:30am - 4:00pm MST
32.18062° N, 110.92365° W
  • LT8-300LP Universal Optical Level Transit, with Laser Plummet

The Dave White LT8-300 is rugged and dependable, making this five minute instrument the first choice for practically every horizontal and vertical sighting application in construction. This includes the laser plummet.

What's included: LT8-300LTULP Line Transfer Unit, rain hood, objective lens, case, and user guide.

  • Powerful 26X optics
  • Accuracy: ±3/16-in at 150-ft (4.75mm at 45m)
  • Range up to 400-ft (120m)
  • Vertical arc and horizontal circle with locks and tangents
  • 1:100 stadia with glass reticle

David White Optical Instruments are guaranteed with a two (2) year limited warranty. Unless otherwise specified, hand levels and accessory items include a 90-day limited warranty.

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LT8-300LP Universal Optical Level Transit, with Laser Plummet

  • Product Code: 46-D8872
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $1,430.00

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